Gainsborough Town Centre Heritage Masterplan

Revitalisation and enhancement in the commercial heart of a historic town


Gainsborough Masterplan


Gainsborough, Lincolnshire


West Lindsey District Council

Scope of Work

Masterplan, Conservation Area Assessment and Management Plan


Lathams was commissioned by West Lindsey District Council to produce a masterplan covering Gainsborough’s historic core. The Council recognised that, in order to support the anticipated housing growth around the periphery of the town, the condition of its commercial heart needed revitalisation and enhancement.

Lathams carried out an audit of the historic environment which included assessments of building condition, occupancy and heritage significance. Opportunity sites within the historic town centre were identified and reviewed with guidance being provided to help direct future development activity.

Client Reaction

"Lathams reviewed and updated both the Gainsborough Town Centre Conservation Area Assessment, and prepared a Management Plan to maintain and improve the historic urban fabric of the town.

The Masterplan and its baseline material have been used to help support a successful Townscape Heritage Initiative bid for the restoration and reuse of a number of buildings located within the town centre and has also been used to inform design and development activity currently being brought forward by West Lindsey’s development partner."