
Our work involves the creation of policy, strategy and urban design guidance, as well as design, feasibility and planning.

Digbeth Canal Corridor Chronology Map

Digbeth Canal Corridor Chronology Map

We create robust and deliverable masterplans and development frameworks for both urban and rural areas, with a focus on maximising the economic, social and environmental benefits of every project.

Our services include:



We have expertise in producing a wide variety of area wide masterplans for areas facing change. These include masterplans for; town centres, estate renewal, employment land, historic areas, historic estates and urban extensions.


Townscape & Visual Assessments

We regularly produce townscape and visual impact assessments which support major planning applications throughout the country. We have the skills and resources to produce fully verified views to support applications.


Heritage Assessments & Statements of Significance

We produce Heritage Assessments to support and guide masterplans and area wide regeneration strategies. We also produce Heritage Assessments, Statements of Significance and Statements of Justification to support proposals which affect individual buildings. We also produce Heritage Impact Assessments.


Design Guides / Codes

We produce design guidance for whole Local Authority areas, for specific geographic areas or the individual sites. Outputs are adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance, used as informal guidance to help direct the market or assist with design competitions.